Friday, December 2, 2011

The UK: Where pounds are pounds and pounds are hashes

Wasting time on a Friday night, something strange occurred to me.


This is a pound sterling sign, usually called a pound sign. On UK keyboards, this sign is on the "3" key, and you can input it by pressing Shift+3.


If you are from North America, this is a pound sign. On a US-International keyboard, this symbol is on the "3" key, and you can get this by pressing Shift+3 on the same keyboard. Elsewhere in the English speaking world, this sign is called a "hash". So essentially, the pound key occupies the same place on the keyboard no matter where you are from.

So what if you are in the UK and you need to type the pound sign? Well, you press Shift+3. OK, great. Now what if you're American and you are in the UK and you need the pound sign? OK....look look look at the keyboard aaaaaaaannnnd.....nope, no pound sign. Well, there's a pound sign, but it's not the one I need. Where is the pound sign? you ask your British friend.
It's on the 3, he says.
No, I mean my pound sign.
You mean the hash key?
Yeah, that's the one.
It's on the 3 key.
What do you mean? It's not there.
Oh, right. You have to press Alt+3 for a hash. #. OK, good.

Wait a minute. So in the UK the pound sign is where the pound sign is, but there's no pound sign there, only a pound sign. To get a pound sign, hold Alt and press the pound key, and you will get a pound sign, which is actually a hash. A pound is a pound but a pound is a hash. Got it?

Wait a tick...what's that next to the Enter key?