Friday, May 31, 2013

Long Island Style

After many years, the nostalgic winds of days gone by  blew through Laurel St. and revitalized it with a raging party that harkened back to the days of old when Grandpa Hobby used to live here and throw similar festivities.
On June 2nd, Captain Andrew spared no expense and threw himself a no-holds-barred birthday party for his 55th birthday, inviting everyone in his yellowed Rolodex. A band was hired, kegs were tapped, food was spread out on tables, a few hundred clams and oysters were shucked, a dancefloor barge was parked in the back yard, the property was decorated, and.....well, I'll let the photos do the talking. It must be said however that a party of such scale hadn't been seen for years around these parts, and an awesome time was had by all.

Thanks Captainero, it was a wicked good party. I'm happy I was able to help you organize it.

This is how it's done on Long Island.  

Yeah I drew that.
Birthday boy. Double Nickles!!

JR, happy to play with a new toy.

Anna's new pony!! She's waiting for you amore, just a few more weeks!!

Shellfish courtesy of Kevinero, the mother shucker.

Clam suckers.

Tim and Miranda came for the full LI experience!!


Alex chilling.

Shecky and the Twangtones.

Lucky Bob.

Surprised he even agreed to sit down to a birthday cake.

Party barge!